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Spatial Practises and Elliptical Action

by Christphe Cauchy, AAA Paris Sud


To hell with phoney scientific disputes surrounding space exploration! The AAA plan to develop a programme of autonomisation in the field of spatial activity, to which each human brain will be a gateway.

We want to show how important the elliptical cognitive capacities will be to future explorers of hyperspace. This elliptical conception of action refers to a whole body of complex notions, a whole didactic system based on the symbolic and individual flourishing of future Autonomous Astronauts. In the murky debates of the boffins, the limits of legitimised cultural variation is never posed. Any deviation from the laws of the universe is completely disregarded. It is this arbitrary culture which we are fighting against and which we shall overcome. Elliptical action is not about objectified truth: it arises from questioning social conditions in a way that excludes the possibility of logical action.

Elliptical action (or action in an ellipse) is defined as an action which can only realise its own (a-logical) effect if its objective truth is subjectively misunderstood through the imposition of a serialised and instrumentalised process. Each autonomous spatial programme possesses the essence of its autonomisation within its very being. We are thus led to develop a collection of complex, self-regulated systems where the practical objectives of life in hyperspace are subjectivised. We can already decode certain signals or sign-systems taken from various different galaxies.

As institutionalised programmes such as NASA and ESA are straight-jacketed by arbitrary culture, our objective is to superceed the orginal relation whereby these pseudo-space programmes allow the arbitrary imposition of an arbitrary content.

Thus non-violent or symbolic action is an incontravertible postulate of elliptical action (i.e. a collection of spontaneous and spontaneist representations of elliptical action), which is opposed to the symbolic violence exercised by any of the general theories of space. Thus our project is opposed to the rationalised and unidimensional content of future capitalist space.

The gateway to potential liberation which independant spatial exploration offers is based on the second characteristic of elliptical action: multi-dimensionality. This potentially emancipatory possibility destroys all bureaucratic values and rational goals. Our field of thought brings to light autonomous hyperspaces which are composed of non-heirarchical systems of ellipitical action. Elliptical action is not the fruit of reason - that quasi-religious notion upon which is based the limited and partial rationalistion of the phoney space programmes.

Our conception of space and time must henceforth reflexively include its own action within its own field. Thus the fundamental conditions are created for the possibility of the autonomisation of independant spatial activity.


Having already proposed the essential maxims of Elliptical Action, we now wish to discuss the basic principles of independent space exploration.

>From a purely technical perspective, the existence of autonomous and

subjective conditions regarding the practical aspects of spatial experience cannot be demonstrated any further. A number of issues have emerged and confirmed the validity of our aims.

However, several questions still remain. According to the first contact made between the pioneers of independent space travel and previously unknown life-forms, the establishment of a two-way communication process requires that we leave behind a belief in the creative liberty of each individual.

The specific contribution of every astronaut to the realisation of a spatial praxis goes through an exteriorisation and then rejection of the powerful relationships that affects a recognition by the other of our legitimacy. But, although it is difficult, this legitimacy can escape from the totalitarian culture which it objectifies. It is not only a relative force, supported by non-elliptical claims and actions.

That said, it does permit a direct expression across various elements of mediation, material concerns and symbolic representation. It allows the creation of cultural models that correspond to particular structures and forms of social routes. To reduce the level of communication with the other to within the totalitarian culture results in information being used as domination. Contrary to this, the purpose of Elliptical Action is, in a very profound sense, to transform information into formation.

Government space programs do not realise how the systems of production and distribution are well defined in economic and symbolic practise. This type of practise excludes all possibility of elliptical information (see the recent developments in Information Theory). This is also equivalent to a rejection of the principle that there are many different ways to encounter Elliptical Action (condition number 4).

It is because it lacks an economic or symbolic plan of any worth that our action will not aim at imposing its own legitimacy. On the contrary, so much is revealed of its own origins, it can do nothing but exclude from itself modes of production dominated by rational action.

If one does not negate the entropic effect of Elliptical Action, the elliptics and illusions which are attached favour a combination of the misunderstood and the recognised in what lies underneath, or the non-spoken. The emission and the comprehension of an elliptical message (under the conditions of intergration in an evoltionary spiral of infinite radius emanating from an ‡ point) cannot be deduced from its intrinsic characteristics. This is not a tacit delegation of a larger mass of information but a spontaneous translation of a higher subjective action.

Opposing the hetero-regulation of serialised spatial practises, the AAA network is working towards developing the conditions for autonomous space exploration. We must appreciate the value of practise, and of opinions and ideas that may be contradictory and divergent. Because it is not only about forgetting pre-determined choices as also having the determination to reproduce the subject's own intrinsic properties and dispositions regarding that which is to be considered as the studied object. Materially or symbolically the deviant object produces its own legitimacy. The process which aims to reduce the properties of the other object to the properties conferred on it by the dispositions (or intrinsic properties) of the transmitting subject, show the incapacity of science - in the pay of state controlled space agencies - to have an awareness of the weakness of their own investigations.

The inability to think of the universe as a zero-gravity space obstructs a mechanism that reveals the importance of a rational (and mercenary) exploration of it. Mapping out the elliptical dimensions of the galaxy, it is prepared for a rule of chaos which threatens any specific dynamics. Any space/time voyage must be autonomous and independent because space itself demands it in all its autonomy and complexity. In this sense it cannot be and must not be given over to any established organisation which reduces it to an empty space of the senses.

MESSAGE THREE: The Worst is Yet to Come!

Not only is modern man incapable of leaving the one-dimensional world in which he remains 'locked' - thanks to the laws of gravity - but, moreover, he is ignorant of the extent of his freedom.

The approach to ellipsis can and must be seen as a betrayal of the liberal model of community; an ideal which aims at enriching man in all kinds of civilised characteristics: moral judgement, reason, private property, guilt...The sacredness of the individual and his inalienable rights and freedoms? Let's not wait! Autonomous space has made such questions pointless. Elliptical Action is not an excercise based on pre-established references and contingencies.

On the contrary, the Galaxy, as mysterious as it is unfathomable, offers us the opportunity to free ourselves from humanist thought (or, one could say, from anthrocentric obsession). Is individual well-being compatible with any social system? Who cares! What we envisage isn't the problem of establishing a system of co-operation between individuals who each hope to benefit, thus reinforcing the idea of freedom that must be fought for and won. The world is not space, it is not even a deformity but rather a divergence. Autonomous spatial action cannot base itself on moral criteria or behavioural norms - products of a rational way of thought. Individual well-being, such as it is and such as it could be, is above all the product of an instrumental relationship between man and his surroundings.

The illusion of being understood and that of understanding reinforce each other - they don't, however, imply an understanding of this illusion. Yet this is a constituent element of Elliptical Action (condition Number 5), and thus of the autonomisation of eliptical space. The statutory legitimacy of Man is an illusion, and nothing more. Reason is a means of perpetuating what one has acquired, a particular manner of using what one has acquired in expressing the principles of an objectified relationship between what has been acquired and a collection of social or spatial characteristics that are still to be acquired.

For us, as Autonomous Astronauts, illusion is a parabola on which we nourish our autonomy. The subjective nature of our action defines the VIRTUAL ELLIPTIC. Experience, sense and being are closely linked in an expanding universe. The relationship to the Cosmos is indivisible from the spatial practice. In effect, Elliptical Action is perceived (not conceived) as the product of the interiorisation of subjectice conditions of existence in space which arise from the interrelationship between an object with divergent rationality, an alien (time traveller) and a collection of dispositions on the perpetual interactions within the universe. How can one render obsolete the notion that he who acts must refer, even without knowing it, to a sub-set of determinations objectivising the space in which he is deployed?


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